
Incorporeal entities with a pension for property damage.

Poltergeists (meaning "noisy ghost" in German) are incorporeal entities that cause disturbances such as object movement, physical attacks on humans, and telekinesis. They can also cause really bad smells, for some reason. They are often very malicious, usually with the intent to get revenge- or are just really annoying. They usually don’t target a specific location like the famous movie (you know the one) suggests, they latch onto people.

They aren’t limited to a specific area in the world, either. Like other ghost entities, they can exist worldwide.

Some dude named Allan Kardec, the founder of the Spiritism belief, said poltergeists were closely linked to the four elements. This was said to explain their different abilities as it would mean they had direct control over physical matter.

Poltergeists can be exterminated through: