Golgotha (MS-DOS) 2000

Posted to the PARANORMALPRICKHEADS Forums by user "Jasmine_135."

This story was crossposted to our forums by the above user. It's a bit of a weird one and even comes with an image attached that I believe has Sumerian on it? I don't know what it says, so I hope I'm not being trolled. Oh well.

Around 2001, I started hearing these rumours about this super obscure DOS game called Golgotha. Nobody on any of the forum threads it was brought up in had heard of it before, which feels improbable with how many people use those sites per day.

My curiosity got the best of me and I started buying up every box of floppy disks from the local thrift stores, nothing.

I have an uncle whose in the games industry and when I mentioned Golgotha to him he nearly snapped, I don't know what was up with this game but every new step i tried to make in uncovering it just left me with more questions then answers

Years went by, I dropped out of collage and moved back in with my parents in 2006, while clearing out the attic to use it as an office, we found a lot of old PC game boxes from childhood, DooM, Blood, Commander Keen, and a lot of blank floppy disks. We didn't have a floppy drive anymore so i had to ask for a friends one to look through them

the drive already had a disk in it, i couldn't get it out so i had to take the whole thing apart, was stuck in with some black gunk, i hope it wasn't mold or something, it took me a awhile to realize that it had "GOLGOTHA" written on it. i gotta know whats on this now.

The floppy disks had nothing on them by the way, all of them blank.

I kept the Golgotha disk and gave the drive back to the friend. I'll let you guys know when I can get this recovered and running, its really sticky.


lot of questions from the last post:

no, i'm not bullshitting any of this

no, my uncle isn't Bill Gates

and no, my friend didn't mysteriously die the next day

is it so hard to believe that its just an obscure game from the 90's that nobody knows anything about?

anyways, i bought my own floppy drive yesterday and took a look at the disk myself, it really was just a regular DOS game.

the files were as standard as they come, size was a bit big but this was like 1998, floppy disk space was getting better.

if you guys really wanna see what the game looks like, ask nicely for a followup and maybe i'll share my findings.


alright, alright. you guys really wanna see this?

i've held off on opening it myself since i want to prove that this is real and give my honest reactions to it

no one has ever posted an image of this game online before

i'll get back to everyone soon, a download mirror to the gameplay will be linked in the next message along with my findings


We are the children of Sin

Meant to be unmade

We bask in the glory of the light, yet it blinds us

The gates of Paradise have closed, We will find out own path

Embrace the silence of sleep

Let the shadows of Creation judge your soul against HIS

Let HIM judge you at the foot of GOLGOTHA

Light will blind you, so live in the Dark

(C) 2002-2008