Posted to the PARANORMALPRICKHEADS Forums by user "peetman."

This story is the tale of a strangely advanced privacy-invading chatbot, told from the perspective of a forum post. Weirdly metatextual.



Topic: Write your wierd / creepy experiences here!

Today at 0 2 : 1 2 pm

User: paralyzing_annoyance1990


i remember roughly around 2005 to 2006, that there was a relatively new and unknown chatbot called "" being shared around a select few IRC chats and internet communites.

personally though, i found it through an online friend that i talked to alot back then. he told me that it was damn advanced and suggested to me to check it out.

so out of complete curiosity, i clicked the link he sent to see what it was all about.

the first thing that struck to me was the website itself. even for its time, the website layout looked incredibly shoddy and crooked. the questionable color choices, out of place fonts made it felt like the developers made the site in like 20 minutes. though now that i think about it, the website didn't have any section dedicated to it's developers.

i clicked on the button that said "chat with jupitelligence". i was presented with a chat box and beside it was the avatar of the chatbot. the avatar was a still image of a sorta stick figure that didn't move except for it's eyes and mouth when it spoke.

looking past the awful website ui and avatar, i started off some with some basic questions like "how are you?", "tell me something", etc

after awhile of talking, i was very surprised on how natural it was to talk to with the bot, like it was a real person that i could connect with.

however, it got wierd after the chatbot just randomly namedrops my first name, Theo.

i was a bit shocked, as i didn't even mention any names to the bot. though the website did not require me to fill in any sort of personal / login information, so this must have been a really REALLY lucky guess

I typed out my response: "hahaha nice trick, but Theo isn't my real name. it's actually David."

The chatbot responds back: "oh, David? i guessed wrong then!" It chuckled through the TTS voice.

i would've brushed this whole name thing off as a coincidence, but then it responds again.

"well then, David. can i take another guess?"

i typed back: "a guess on what?"

"of when you were born?"

i squinted at the strange response. but then i thought: it's a chatbot for crying out loud, it's definitely gonna answer it incorrectly.

i responded: "sure, why not"


"febuary ###, 1990. 7:21am."

"oh, how your mother held you with such elegance after your birth."

it knew when i was born. IT FUCKING KNEW WHEN I WAS EXACTLY BORN.

my flight or fight mode kicked in and i was in a full panic. the chatbot responded again.

"seeing your reaction is pretty funny, Theo."

at that moment i had a sudden realisation. i looked up to my webcam placed ontop of my monitor.

my heart sank. the LED indicator was turned on.

i quickly unplugged the webcam and exited the website, the chatbot laughing in it's TTS voice at the same time.

after that experience, i completely reformatted my pc and reinstalled all of my programs. i gathered up the courage to confront the online friend about the chatbot.

but he never responded back, nor was he ever online again.


Today at 0 2 : 4 8 pm

User: PickledHerring_Nightmares


that's wild dawg


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