Nightmare Drugs

Posted to the PARANORMALPRICKHEADS Forums by user "CanonicalChaos."

This story is a short retelling of supposed medical malpractice and malicious entities.

So like, as a kid I was part of some medical study on sleep in children, which is harmless and all that! But uhh... I don't know, there was some weird fucking scientist guy who was a part of it, and ended up getting permission to try like, experimental sleep drugs on us. Y'know, harmless stuff meant solely to help us sleep better like Melatonin! Except uh... there was a side affect of *SUPER* vivid dreams, you know? Like... terrifyingly vivid.

And sleep paralysis. Another unfortunate side effect of the meds.

And combined was TERRIFYING. Vivid nightmares, full detail and traumatic remembrance, paired up with waking up unable to even move or defend myself from the things choking and hurting me.

And the thing is, the doctor would just... watch. With this blank stare, recording us sobbing and screaming in our sleep and fighting against things only we can see.

At least I thought it was only us that could see it.

Until I saw the doctor talking to it. And telling it things about us that he shouldn't be knowing. I don't remember much else but the study ended a few days after that, and me and the pther kids were taken off the drugs and put into therapy to try and like, help us.

Turns out the doctor didn't even have any like, certifications or anything. He just walked in with SUPER realistic forged documents and tortured a bunch of kids. I still have nightmares over that... that thing I saw. I have some old drawings of it somewhere, I think, crayon drawings. If I find them I'll try and send them.

Point- Point is! I have been having continuous nightmares and hallucinations ever sense. And I just wanted to get that story out.

(C) 2002-2008