The Tall Man

Posted to the PARANORMALPRICKHEADS Forums by user "SinnloschenPlayer202."

A twisted tale told by a user on the forums who spontaneously went offline and never spoke again, dealing with a monster of memory.

Hey, I'm trying to get this down quick. Sorry if I seem fast paced or broken in my phrasing. I never believed any of the shit here, and actually I still don't believe most of it, I think you people are bullshit artists, but I always thought it was interesting. Good for a laugh with the guys if nothing else. But I finally experienced something I cannot explain, and I have to get it out there immediately.

Back around a week or so ago me and my buds were all spooking the shit out of each other and whatnot. Halloween season, you know. Just lame stories and dares and all that. I can't remember the exact circumstances, but we got to looking for this Grifter tape. I think it was because of the article here. Cursed supposedly. There were a few shitty fakes online that we found, but eventually we found one that was actually super disturbing. Not getting into it, it was probably just movie clips, but it stuck in our heads. Maybe we were just psyching ourselves out, but we all agreed it felt weird.

The next day, the hangover convinced me it was something decidedly more material that caused that strange sense of violation. We went on with our lives. High school kind of necessitates you to just keep moving. Though, even in spite of that, it felt like we were moving a bit too smoothly. Something was vaguely off, like I was living emptily in some way. This lasted for several days until one time after school I was just hanging out with myself. That's when I realized that my friends were disappearing one by one the whole week. The whole damn week! And no one noticed! Not me, not their parents, not even the fucking systemized attendance system. Why the hell was I allowed to know? Why now? It had to be something with that tape. But no matter where I looked, nothing about the tape seemed to line up with people disappearing.

But then I saw something.

Not online, but in person when I turned away from the PC. Just a glimpse out my window of this tall, humanoid figure. I couldn't get a look of the face, but the guy must have been like nine feet tall at least, and wearing something reflective. Definitely didn't strike me as human. I would have just brushed it off as hallucinatory in nature due to my increasing paranoia, but given the circumstances I couldn't just do that. I think I must have stood there for several hours, as if entranced, staring at an empty window. The only thing that broke me out of it was my feet starting to hurt. And it wouldn't stop there. I'd see this thing at the park, in the corner of my eye while driving, even out by the lake... It wouldn't even do anything. It'd just make my brain feel like it was about to melt out my eyes when I looked at it. Thoroughly ruining my life at every chance. I was half-considering trying to grab my dad's gun and blast it the next time I noticed it, but that thought was dispelled with the lake trip when I saw it standing on the water. It wasn't simply walking on top, it was like its legs had extended all the way to the lake bed. I didn't really spend too much time in any one place after that.

Life didn't go on, it started to blend together. I would be going to sleep and then the next moment I'd be taking an exam. I knew something was wrong, and I knew what it was, but I couldn't break from routine. It was as if I was being forced into autopilot. That came to a head today. I was at school, doing work, and then someone inexplicably screamed. No reaction from the teacher, or anyone for that matter. I went back to work. And then another bloodcurdling cry. I turned around and looked. It was there the whole time, but I was only really noticing now. And no one would recognize it. The whole classroom was packed, but everyone was still just working fine. Occasionally someone would see it and stare for a while or scream before resuming the activity. I was the only one who wasn't being put through this. I was the one it was looking at, with its

   ran all the way home. No one noticed the window break. It was so fast. It would always be behind me. Sometimes in front of me. It was a blur, and it'd

I know I wasn't forgetting the speed because i saw the cars moving.

                        blurred together, forgetting sev

                                                           What is this thing doing?

      messing with perception


                           how many friends did I have?

An angel

That's it. It removed the

And that's why I'm here. I have to get this out there. It might be able to work here but the it can't be all over the world at the same time. I just want someone to remember me. To remember what was lost. And please, please find out a way to kill it. That's why I'm here. I have to get this out there, I have to warn you about something. But I can't remember. I'm covered in blod and I cant remember the past few hours. I saw something about my friends but ive nevr had any friends. tThats y im here. I hav too get this out theyre. I think I exest, but I jus reelysed I don't think I ever rember myself. I think I might b a gost & im fadng awy

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