Fallen Angels

Angels that work with demons or basilisks to spread malignance.

Fallen angels are a subsect of angels who partner with basilisks and demons either willingly or due to infection. Stories of fallen angels are horrifically ancient- dating back to antiquity- though only really becoming recognizable around 300 BCE in various apocryphal texts. The evolution of their mythology is tied heavily to developments with The Beast and the basilisk, for what should be fairly evident reasons.

They are believed to appear suddenly in the homes of the vulnerable at night, whispering forbidden information in the ear of unaware or groggy individuals. When the victim wakes up just a bit, the fallen will sometimes callously slaughter a loved one. This is to bind the information to a deeply traumatic event, encouraging basilisk growth. Otherwise, though, the fallen are terrifyingly passive and sickeningly manipulative. It is said that while in one's presence, the thought of defending oneself simply does not occur. It's up for interpretation whether this is because of the imposing presence or due to the angelic domain over the mind. Regardless, the angel will soon leave, allowing the victim to develop the basilisk planted in them. After a sufficient timespan of growth, the angel will return to reap its crop.

Due to their connection to human tragedy and misery through their actions, aging fallen angels are said to slowly adopt an increasingly humanoid appearance. While perhaps more familiar and friendly in terms of appearance, this is actually a grave sign. Fallen angels do not tend to last long due to hunting from their holy counterparts, so a sufficiently aged one is sure to have overcome countless assaults.

In recent years, a popular video has surfaced claiming to be a sighting of a fallen angel in Catalonia.

Last Edited by Webmaster A. on October 10, 2008.

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