The Beast

What is thought to be an ancient, twisted angel that devours itself constantly, ever-growing. The core of Hell.

The Beast was originally an angel of high importance who fell to Hell after its gluttonous appetite for information lead it to eat fruit from the tree of knowledge. Its nature became of information that sought to consume information- so it began devouring itself. The pain and anguish this brought made it seek out Adam and convince him to eat of the fruit, if only so it could consume him and ignore itself for but a moment. This succeeded, but The Beast was patient, and waited until Adam had produced children with Eve. This was so its' food would be sustainable. After the birth of twins, Adam was consumed and The Beast was banished.

The Beast was said to be the first demon, as its constant self mutilation and horrific existence deteriorated it into an unrecognizable red mass. Large enough to influence humans rather directly compared to other later demons, but continually put in a state of inaction due to pain. Its influence in humans caused physical problems and tragedy, which led to the creation of other demons and basilisks. The first six were the Seven Princes of Hell, each representing a different fundamental source of misery. The rest followed from proceeding hardships.

As The Beast represents the tragedy of creation, Revelations prophesizes that it will bring about the end of days as well. It is said when mankind is riddled by sadness and ill deeds that basilisks will begin flooding into the minds of mankind. This will continue until the state of the world is so polluted that Hell will become corporeal and The Beast will hold a grand feast, having been driven to madness by its insatiable hunger. Various basilisks will cause their own tragedies and strengthen themselves in this time, though this is only a belief held in more modern occultic circles.

Much about The Beast is shrouded in mystery, as the Bible doesn't talk much about it outside of Genesis and Revelations. Much of its lore comes from oral tradition and occultism. One belief sect claims that The Beast has actually been usurped by a being known as the Bisected King, while others vehemently deny this and claim varying other notions. It's hard to pin down anything definitive, even for such an ubiquitously feared entity.

Last Edited by Webmaster A. on October 7, 2008.

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